CID Environment

“Environment” can refer to type of execution conditions or to environment variables.

Environment type

There are the following environments configured with .env.type which affect CID and tools behavior.

  • prod - production (deployment)
  • test - QA (deployment) & CI
  • dev - development (default)

For example, environment type affects memory distribution for entry point to allow debugging overhead. Many tools like node and ruby set corresponding NODE_ENV and RUBY_ENV/RAILS_ENV.

Tool environment variables

CID supports adjusting tool plugin defaults through special environment variables which are listed in cid tool describe ${tool}.

Such variables can be set in shell before execution or in global, user and deployment configurations for persistency.

By convention, it’s possible to adjust tool location through ${tool}Bin and tool version through ${tool}Ver variables. There are many other tool-specific variables.


$ cte node --version
Exec: /home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v8.11.2/bin/node --version
$ nodeVer=6 cte node --version
Exec: /home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v6.12.2/bin/node --version
$ nodeVer=10 cte node --version
Exec: /home/user/.nvm/versions/node/v10.1.0/bin/node --version

Special CID process environment variables

There a few very special process environment variables which are discouraged to be used on regular basis.

  1. export CID_INTERACTIVE_SUDO=1 - enable interactive sudo calls.
  2. export CID_COLOR=no - disable color output even on capable terminals.
  3. export CID_DEPLOY_HOME= - override $HOME detection during deployment.
  4. export CID_SOURCE_DIR= - very special variable to use during development with pip -e local installation.