AsyncSteps Synchronization

Even when no hardware race condition occurs, there is always possibility of semantic race conditions.


  • only one heavy active computation should run for cacheable value generation,
  • limit number of concurrent connections to database or peer,
  • limit number of requests per period.

Generic synchronization idiom

Synchronization of AsyncSteps “thread” is done through asi.sync( isync_obj, step[, error_handler] ) against arbitrary synchronization primitive.

const isync_obj = /* some construct */;

asi.add( (asi) => {
    asi.add( (asi) => as.success( 'some_arg' ) );
    // Like a regular step, but synchronized
        (asi, arg) => {
            /* critical section */
            assert( arg === 'some_arg' );
            as.success( 'other_arg' );
        (asi, error_code) => {
            /* error handler */
    as.add( (asi, arg) => assert( arg === 'other_arg' ) );
} );

Synchronization primitive

Any object implementing ISync interfaces can be used for synchronization.

However, implementation must properly pass in and out arguments and correctly cleanup state on stack unwinding in cancel and error cases.

Implementation of the primitive should be re-entrant - the same thread must be able to synchronize against the same primitive multiple times in the same async stack.

All synchronization primitives defined in the FTN12 spec are re-entrant.

The primitive may also limit number of queued “threads”.

Parallel steps must be treated as independent “threads”.


This synchronization primitive ensures that no more than preconfigured MAX number of AsyncSteps “threads” enter protected critical section simultaneously.

Additionally, it may limit number of queued AsyncSteps “threads”.

/* global */
// Must be imported individually
const Mutex = require( 'futoin-asyncsteps/Mutex' );

// max = 1, infinite queue
const one_max_mtx = new Mutex();

 // max = 3, max_queue = 10
const three_with_ten_queued_max_mtx = new Mutex( 3, 10 );

/* ... */

asi.sync( one_flow_mtx, (asi) => {
    /* critical section */

    asi.sync( one_flow_mtx, (asi) => {
        // re-entrant
    } );
} );


This synchronization primitive ensures that no more than MAX number of AsyncSteps “threads” enter critical section per PERIOD.

Additionally, it may limit number of queued AsyncSteps “threads”. That’s strongly encouraged for throttling purposes.

/* global */
// Must be imported individually
const Throttle = require( 'futoin-asyncsteps/Throttle' );

// max = 8, period_ms = 1e3, infinite queue
const eight_per_second = new Throttle( 8 );

// max = 3, period_ms = 10e3, max_queue = 7
const three_per_ten_seconds_with_seven_in_queue = new Throttle( 3, 10e3, 7 );

/* ... */

asi.sync( eight_per_second, (asi) => {
    /* critical section */
} );