CID Actions

Almost any project has some maintenance tasks which require execution of commands in sequence and/or with some parameters. They are called “actions” in CID terminology.

There are two types of actions:

  • Standard: prepare, build, check, package, migrate
  • Custom: any user defined

The standard action types have default actions defined by detected tools. It’s possible to override or to extend such actions.


All type of actions can be configured in .actions entry of futoin.json as string or array of strings.

Array of strings are executed as individual commands in the same sequence as they are defines.

Any arguments passed on command line are appended to each action definition.

Special variables

If action definition starts with @cid, it means reference to CID itself to be executed efficient and platform-neutral way.

A special @default placeholder can be used to execute the default action. In deployment configuration it also means to execute original action definition from project configuration.

Complex example

  "actions": {
    "upgrade-deps": [
      "@cid tool update",
      "@cid tool exec yarn -- upgrade --latest"
    "check": [
      "@cid tool envexec node -- sh -c \"test $NODE_ENV != production\"",
    "qa-test": "@cid tool envexec node -- ./test/",
    "prod-test": "@cid tool envexec node -- ./test/",
    "tag-prod": [
      "sh -c '[ -n \"$1\" ] || ( echo Missing tag name; exit 1 )' --",
      "sh -c 'git tag $1-prod $1' -- ",
      "sh -c 'git push -u origin $1-prod' --"


Action can be executed with cid run command.

For example:

  • cid run upgrade-deps - custom maintenance task
  • cid run tag-prod v1.2.3 - custom task with parameter
  • cid check or cid run check - standard action